We are looking for a team of volunteers to help with the
June 12-15 at MIT
OEIT is co-hosting the NMC Summer conference this year and we need help.
Volunteers serve an 8 hour shift for 1 day of the 2.5 day event in return for free admission. The conference registration is $595 this year ($495 for MIT affiliates) so this is a great savings opportunity.
There are two tracks: Registration and Tech Support.
Both volunteer tracks may require 1 or 2 phone meetings for coordination and briefing.
Volunteering at the conference offers the opportunity to network with people, even when one is working a shift. And, of course, attending the conference offers a chance to experience the best in new media from institutions across the country.
Please let co-host Molly Ruggles (ruggles@mit.edu) know if you are interested in volunteering by Friday March 16th.